
My name is Jose Rocha. I am a rapper , producer and promoter of music. I started promoting artists last year the first person i promoted was a rapper from Cleveland named Wattie and Atlanta rapper Doc Wily. Then others such as OZ of EMT (Cleveland Rap Group) , Singer Jori King ,  Dragg (British Rapper) , Red Angel (BWS Rapper) , and so forth... Here are the artists of Jose Rocha Promotions..

My Personal life i was born in San Francisco , California. My music career started off honestly just at my middle school i would make a beat on a desk and just freestyle. Then a friend of mine said there was a studio at the Boys and Girls Club in Redwood City. I went over there with many songs written and they said that they were pretty good. Every time I went there they were always "busy" even though when they weren't. The first beat i made it took almost 2 weeks to bounce because they were "busy" and it only took like 5 minutes. During this time the other male singers/rappers would always lok down on me and act like that they were better than me. Only one guy named Blanco was the only one who tried to help me. So after the whole situation i only said good-bye to blanco and left.. Im doing it all on my own now prove them wrong. 

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